Séparation de la forme et du temps dans les séries temporelles - application à l'authentification de signatures
In this article we address the problem of separation of shape and time components in time
series. In statistics, this problem relates to the separation of amplitude and phase variations.
The concept of shape that we tackle is termed temporally neutral to consider that it may possibly exist outside of any temporal specification, as it is the case for a geometric form. We
propose to exploit and adapt a probabilistic temporal alignment algorithm, initially designed
to estimate the centroid of a set of time series, to build some heuristic elements of solution to
this separation problem. We show on some controlled synthetic data that this algorithm meets
empirically the initial objectives. We finally evaluate it on real data, in the context of some online handwritten signature authentication tasks. On the evaluated benchmarks, our approach
is positioned slightly above the current state of the art showing the applicative benefit of this
separation problem.