Défi EGC 2016 Vues Conceptuelles des Collaborations aux Conférences EGC depuis 2004: Une modélisation descriptive
In EGC 2016, vol. RNTI-E-30, pp.431-436
In this article, we carried out an analysis work on the data of the articles published to the EGC conferences from 2004 to 2015. Our goal is to identify and understand the collaboration tendencies. For this purpose, we adopt a descriptive modeling, through a network approach that consist first in generating the collaboration network of authors from data provided. Then, we enrich the nodes of this network with ten individual attributes extracted from the data. Finally, we search for conceptual views, a recent link clustering approach, which allows to summarize networks by highlighting the sets of attributes found frequently linked in the network. The results show the existing trends in the behavior of collaborations. In this paper, we present these trends and show how they evolve according to different extraction levels.