Les Besoins Fonctionnels Candidats à l'Entreposage et l'Analyse en Ligne
In EDA 2017, vol. RNTI-B-13, pp.139-149
In recent years, data warehouse (DW) and data analysis technology has become mature. This maturity has prompted a significant number of companies to adopt this technology. An- alyzing this situation, we notice that DWs have often been associated with data. However, in the one hand, other important entities (like models, services, processes, etc) used by compa- nies have the same interest to be analyzed. On the other hand, many efforts have been made to integrate these entities into repositories, but without the analysis dimension of DWs. Com- bining the two solutions proposed by repositories and DWs would be an important asset for both companies and researchers. In this study, we propose a complete approach for developing functional requirements warehouses, which can be considered as a pre-condition for designing any type of warehouse or repository.