Sélections simultanées de variables et de représentations pour la classification de séries temporelles
This paper presents a method which extracts informative features while selecting simultaneously adequate representations for Time Series Classification (such as derivatives, cumulative integrals, power spectrum ...). The suggested approach is decomposed in three steps: (i)
the original time series are transformed into several representations which are stored as relational data; (ii) then, a regularized propositionalisation method is applied in order to generate
informative aggregate features; (iii) finally, a selective Naive Bayes classifier is learned from
the outcoming feature-value data table. The previous steps are repeated by a forward backward
selection algorithm in order to select the most informative subset of representations. The suggested approach proves to be highly competitive when compared with state-of-the-art methods
while extracting interpretable features. Furthermore, the suggested approach is almost parameter free and only requires few hardware resources.