AMADO online, une application multilingue pour la visualisation et l'analyse graphique de matrices de données
AMADO online is an application for visualizing and analysing data matrices (presenceabsence,
or cross-tabulation, or responses on scales, or measures of heterogeneous variables)
according to the principles of Jacques Bertin. Numbers are represented by rectangles whose
area are proportional to them. To highlight the structure of the data, the rows (and/or columns)
can be reordered, manually, or automatically according to their coordinates on the first factorial
axis of Correspondence Analysis, or in Principal Components Analysis, according to the nature
of the data; a double Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering is available. Depending on the
case, a seriation (chronological for example), or exact or approximate blocks, or relatively
homogeneous classes are obtained. These graphs are faithful to the data and easy to read. The
User's Guide, in French and English, describes the sequence of commands for many example
files provided with the tool.