Modèle d'acquisition de données du LOD et génération automatique de requêtes
In OD 2016, vol. RNTI-E-32, pp.79-110
Nowadays, LOD (Linked Open Data) represents a promising source for many applications of the Semantic Web. However, appropriate acquisition techniques have to be developed. The work presented in this paper addresses this problem. The goal is to populate an OWL ontology with property assertions taking into account the existence of multiple, equivalent and multivalued properties in the LOD, as well as properties without values whose valuation might be calculated elsewhere. Since the correspondences to establish are complex, we propose a model to specify them. We also define a model to specify alternative paths to access properties in case of missing values. Finally, we offer mechanisms to treat the acquired values. Secondly, we show how these models are used to automatically generate SPARQL queries and thus, facilitate interrogation. Two running examples are given.