État des lieux de l'utilisation de OWL2 : Analyse et proposition pour capturer les utilisations de la sémantique OWL2 dans les graphes de connaissances RDF
The number and size of RDF knowledge graphs are constantly increasing. As a result, data
processing for agents (automated or human) is becoming more and more difficult. If several
tools can be used for a given task, but each depends to varying degrees on the semantics
available in the knowledge graph, then it is important to have an overview before the graph
to select the best tool for that task. We conducted a large-scale in-depth study to verify the
presence of semantics in knowledge graphs currently published in the Linked Data. Although
some knowledge graphs use OWL 2 semantics, many do not do so or only partially. We
therefore propose an approach that, based on statistics, instantiates an ontology that facilitates
the selection of the most suitable tool for a given task based on the use of OWL 2 semantics.