Identification des motifs séquentiels affectant l'attrition des employés
In EGC 2024, vol. RNTI-E-40, pp.369-376
This work is a short version of (Oubelmouh et al., 2023a) that addresses the issue of employee attrition within organizations. Whereas reducing attrition has become a major objective for compagnies, the literature on this topic is relatively limited compared with that on customer attrition. Moreover, even studies addressing this topic often fail to take into account the impact of time and duration on attrition rates. This research combines two approaches to fill this gap: the exploration of frequent patterns in event sequences and survival analysis with Kaplan-Meier. This study identifies events with a significant impact on the survival estimator, named survival-changing sequential patterns. The results suggest that some patterns and the addition of specific events can positively or negatively influence employee retention.